28 March 2010

Genting is SCARY

In the blink of an eye, the Genting trip is over. We had loads of fun in the bus especially on the ride back. HEY SESAT!.Anyways, Mandeep, Tien Wei, Amar and I went for the Go-Kart for our first ride! We had made it halfway through when Mandeep decided to leave so we just followed. Next was the Cycle Boats which only Mandeep and I went to. Then the SCARY PART came, THE HAUNTED ADVENTURE~ We paid RM18 to traumatize ourselves! Zombies reaching out for us from inside walls. Zombies reaching out for us in front of the walls. And sometimes, they're not even zombies! It started with loud banging noises coming out from nowhere, Then came the moving skeletons which was then followed by the ZOMBIES. And also a cranky woman who kept complaining about our screams! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Please do not remind me of this ride be cause I really want to go again next time. Thank You. AAAAAAAH!!!

25 March 2010

I am the entertainer

Finally us prefects go our vests! AWESOME! Frankly, I believe us MALE Junior Prefects look better with white pants. Yes? I heard some senior prefects saying that we'd look like waiters wearing the vests. I can't blame them...even normal students say we look like waiters! And to add up to that, we have notebooks. Notebooks make us look like we're taking an order. What's that? Chicken Pie? Alright.

Anyways, I've almost finished beginning my book! Yes, I am writing a book. It's fantastic! Right now, I'm only done with Page 1. (Y)


If any of you are going for the Genting trip, PLEASE DON'T BLOW UP THE BUS. THANK YOU

20 March 2010

Somewhere only we know

Well, I'm finally back in my DAD's comfy chair. Turns out, my computer broke down so using my dad's computer was the next best thing :). Finally got to chat with SOMEONE and "catch up".

I stayed at the coolest hotel ever! It was called Festive Hotel. Turns out, it was near Universal Studios but I picked food over fun (BEST CHOICE EVER). Next time I go to Singapore, It'll be in the Marina Bay Sands Resort & Casino. I think.

I have been forced to decide on something very debatable. Should I get a PC with all the requirements for the next year or a PS3 with Blu-Ray which my dad thinks is going to die any time now. Please put in your answers in my CBox. Thank you readers!

16 March 2010

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a click. Buckle up


I'm going to Singapore on Wednesday so I might not be able to blog, access Facebook or MSN. Anyways, I'll be back on Friday so chat with you then. I'd probably be able to get online once in awhile. Sorry to disappoint.

Thanks for reading! :)

15 March 2010

Things that happened today

-Woke up early in the morning. (6AM)
-Went to renew my passport. (+1hour 30minutes)
-Had breakfast. (7.45AM)
-Waited to apply for a new passport. (+1hour)
-Went for a drink at Starbucks. (GREEN TEA FRAP FTW!)
-Waited to get the passport. (+1hour)
-Waited for my maid to renew her passport. (+4hours)
-Had lunch while waiting.

I was really disappointed 'cause I really wanted to chat with some one this morning. Oh well.

I'm SUPER HAPPY for I MIGHT be getting a PS3 tomorrow! YAY ME!!!!!!! I can't wait to bring it to Singapore and play with my cousin who is following me there! PURE AWESOMENESS!!

Here's my top 3 best friends for the year(No particular order):
-Yi Qing
-Sean Lim
-Mandeep Singh

One of the most funniest scenes in Star Trek TOS

CHEKOV: "Some more blood, Chekov. The needle won't hurt, Chekov. Take off your shirt, Chekov. Roll over Chekov. Breathe deeply, Chekov. Blood sample, Chekov. Marrow sample, Chekov. Skin sample, Chekov. If... If I live long enough... I'm going to run out of samples."

SULU: "You'll live."

CHEKOV: "Oh yes, I'll live. But I won't enjoy it."

-- Chekov complaing about medical tests to Sulu in TOS #40 "The Deadly Years"

My Report

I had to post something that involves math & socks, so here it goes.

This information may help you win at Jeopardy some day.

The revolutions of a bullet in the barrel of your gun can be found with this:
Revolutions per second = V12/T
(V=Velocity in feet per second 
T= rate of twist in rifling.)

I’m not wearing any socks.

14 March 2010

Killer Bananas!

Today, I had an outing with Mandeep, Kenneth and Sean along with all the younger siblings. i went to Tropicana first to get the tickets then we met up at some chinese restaurant. We started blabbing about killer bananas and banana leaves! After finishing our meals we went to the Borders. I got straight to the STAR TREK section and just read and read and read. Sean kept dumping Marvel comics on Mandeep! That was hilarious. After we left, we went straight for the movie and gosh...Alice In Wonderland isn't really the best movie but the graphics are way better than Avatar's. I MEAN IT!

After the movie, we left for Sean's and that was boring as well. We finally got Sean's Blokus set and started playing. Gosh it was fun, I was winning. Then I finally had to leave. All good things come to an end. Yes?

KILLER BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 March 2010

War doesn't determine who is right. Only who is left.

Finally! I'm not a in charge of new block no more! Instead, I've been elected as some type of D.O.(Discipline Officer). Is that even possible Hui Jan?!?!?! Basically all I do is make sure everyone is doing they're job. Nicole took over my post as LEADER.

Here's a tip Hui Jan. Give us CREDIT!:
If only the seniors would compare all blocks, mine would win.

What I am currently thinking:
Is it really necessary for people to call themselves RANDOM people in Facebook? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

05 March 2010

Quick blog updates.

During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: 'What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. Absolutely, said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello". I've never forgotten that lesson.