26 July 2010

Love Is More Than Just Holding Hands

Well, it's about time I post something new. So basically I'm having exams right now and I should be studying but I decided to take the time I have and give you guys some reading material.

Well, today's English paper was hilarious! So many mistakes in the questions. Maths was easy. Unfortunately, I was not able to fill in my "working" for the subjective questions. And for History? NOT GOOD. Form 1 questions were HARD. Luckily, I studied for the Form 2 questions and the Form 2 questions were as easy as writing this post. The Malay test was ALRIGHT I guess?

Besides that, I'm the New-Block Counsellor 2 for prefects! AWESOME.(Ho Hui Jan, if you're reading this, is counsellor spelled correctly or is it spelled with one "L" instead?).

Finally, I really miss being on duty even though it's just the first out of three days. I can't buy any food because the lines are insane! And everyone stares at us like were green alien invaders from Mars. PUT ME ON DUTY! PUT ME ON DUTY NOW!

Hello Goodbye

19 July 2010

And I can’t breathe without you but I have to

Alright, so my prefect duties have not been easy the past week. I made a few mistakes but I've definitely fixed them. I was still getting used to the new duty but now I've got a hang of it. Nico said we did much better today than last week and hopes it stays that way but unfortunately it rained during the assembly.

Anyways, I decided to change the blog name to Unbelievable which was inspired by Elia. THANKS ELIA. She said I was an unbelievable person and can never guess what I'm going to do next. EXAMPLE: I became a prefect. Something I will never regret.

July exams start next week and fortunately it only lasts for 3 days! Not much to study for this exam.

Unfortunately, that's it for now. My life is just getting boring. It leaves me with nothing to blog about...

P.S. To all prefects who attended this morning's meeting and noticed I looked nervous or maybe I looked like I regretted something, I had difficulty breathing. It's either the chair I was sitting on or maybe the air.

Hello Goodbye