27 August 2010

"Impossible" is a word that humans use far too often.

A request from Hui Jan; "Blog about what you hope to be when you grow up."
My ambition is becoming an Astronomer. People often mix them up with Astronomists and Astrologists(Which both are entirely different).

An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial bodies such as planets, stars, and galaxies.
Historically, astronomy was more concerned with the classification and description of phenomena in the sky, while astrophysics attempted to explain these phenomena and the differences between them using physical laws. Today, that distinction has mostly disappeared. Professional astronomers are highly educated individuals who typically have a PhD in physics or astronomy and are employed by research institutions or universities. They spend the majority of their time working on research, although they quite often have other duties such as teaching, building instruments, or aiding in the operation of an observatory. - Wikipedia

My reason for choosing this as what I wish to be is because, even the thought of being the first to discover something new intrigues me. I've always been the adventurous type.

I would love to be an Astronaut but it is way to dangerous.

Shuttle Challenger getting owned.BOOM.

24 August 2010

Everyone loves the Moon.

Don't you guys just love Durians?
Don't know what a Durian is?
Widely known and revered in southeast Asia as the "king of fruits", the Durian is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk.
Foreigners, of course, dislike Durians BUT a very small number of them do. Lucky people if you ask me.
I have to say, Durians are awesome! Just the other day I broke my record of 10 Durians and went straight to 40! Exactly 40!

OK. On with the requests.

Here's one for Sze Li.
My favourite people in the school are...well...the prefects. We're more civilized in a way? Of course some prefects themselves are just like normal students. Naughty.

Next is Nicola.
Chicken Rice 8D
The Chinese have their own type of Chicken Rice.
The Malays also have their very own version of Chicken Rice.
And now...Indians. Indians eat Chicken with Roti Canai? That counts right?

Hello Goodbye

10 August 2010

Promise The Stars

So, I really have no idea on what to blog about so I was thinking, why don't you guys send me a message on the CBox and tell me what to blog about.

Hello Goodbye